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Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force

||Om SriGuru Charan Kamalebheyo Naman||

I bow at the lotus feet of my Master SriGuru Mahavatar Babaji,

Since in the modernized Bharat, we have lost all our ancient knowledge and we do not know what we do not understand today, why are we doing any recitation of any text or what does that text mean in its absolute terms. Such one text is "Hanuman Chalisa"; which many and many had been doing it over & over but yet do not realize the true meaning of it. 

Here, in the V-log, I am just explaining few facts about Hanuman and the Chalisa. Let's firstly look into the word- Hanumat (हनुमत) with the phonetics in devnagri script- "ह","न","म","त". 
"ह" represents the "fire", which is the seed syllable for Sun, 
"न" denotes to "by" (द्वारा), 
"म" represents the " waking state" (जागृत अवस्था), (as mentioned in Manudkya Upanishad about M-kaara)
"त" denotes to "to" (से),
So, Hanumat means the "fiery energy by which one can reach to the waking state".

"Chalisa" conveys "the discipline that the seeker has to follow for 40 days to reach onto that state." Now, in the text "Hanuman Chalisa" itself there are numerous hints which speak about this principle of energy and the discipline. 

Hanuman represent to the fiery prana energy inside each one of you which is super powerful (महावीर), glorified (बिक्रम), strongly weaponed body (बजरंगी- वज्र- अंगी), which removes the ignorance (कुमती निवार) and it companions with the intelligent (सुमती के संगी). It's glory is represented as golden halo (कंचन वरन) and beautifully clothed (विराज सुबेसा). Bhakta Tulasidas has coded it so beautifully & intelligently that readers will continue reading it with it's literal meanings whereas it completely allegorically. 

Hanuman Chalisa also laid down to the discipline for the seekers and practitioners, as it mentions:

और देवता चित्त न धरई, हनुमत से हि सर्व सुख करई
do not let any other deity to reside in your conscious,
Hanumat alone shall bestow all prosperities. 

It refers that only the prana should be practised and nothing else is required. And, that requires the basic discipline in life to be put in place. First work upon the body, then breath and then the sadhna of the prana. Then, there is one more similarity that the word Hanuman relate to Human too, which signify the powers and qualities of an evolved being which we here are mentioning as "Hanuman- The Pranic Human Force."

Hope this helps you develop an absolute vision to understand the text.

Vishal sood
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