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Unlocking the Mystery of Past Birth via past life astrology, Past life Regression therapy and Bhagwat Geeta

Case Study: A Research Insight with real-life case gone through the process of Past life regression 

(Revised Edition | April 2017 ) 

(Image Source- Internet ) 

Subject : Past birth astrology  part 1 : Unlocking the Mystery of Past Birth via past life astrology,  Past life Regression therapy and Bhagwat Geeta 


Lord Sri Krishna said in 'The Bhagawad Gita',
" vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro 'paranitatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi "
" As a man, casting off worn-out garments, takes new ones, so the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, enters into others that are new". He has also said "The misdeeds of our past lives torment us in the form of illnesses or ailments”.

Explanation Given By YogaNanda on above Verse :

" During our daily lives we change our old and/or dirty clothes and put on new and/or clean clothes whenever the need arises. Similarly, the soul or aatman casts off its worn out physical body and takes residence in a newer physical body at regular intervals in time. Just like the clothes that we wear do not represent the real state of our physical body, the state of our physical body (which deteriorates over time and is hence impermanent) does not represent the truly unchangeable and permanent nature of the soul that resides within it.

The eternal does not move from place to place but the embodied soul moves from one abode to another. It takes birth each time and gathers to itself a mind, life and body formed out of the materials of nature according to its past evolution and its needs for the future. The pyschic being is the vijnana which supports the triple manifestation of body, life and mind. When the gross physical body falls away, the vital and mental sheaths still remain as the vehicle of the soul. Rebirth is the law of nature. There is an objective connections between the various forms of life. “Like corn a mortal ripens and like corn is he born again”.
 (Katha Upanisad, Ch 1, verse 6).

This verse refers to the doctrine of reincarnation in Hinduism. Death is described here as the simple discarding of a worn-out garment for a new one. When the body becomes diseased and old, the ever-lasting soul forsakes it for a new disguise. Death is but a change of attire in an uninterrupted continuity of immortality.

(The Bhagavad Gita Vol I, Parmahansa Yoganada, p. 218)

Another Verse also explains about Soul strength, Death and Reincarnations,
Lord Shiri Krishna preaching to Arjuna on Chapter 2 | Samkhya Yoga | Verse 23 

नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः।
न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः।।

Shaloka 23, chapter 2 Explanation: 

The so described aatman cannot be harmed by weapons - and since it is formless and shapeless - it cannot be cut into pieces by any instrument. In the same way, fire cannot burn it or destroy it. Water cannot wet it because water can only act on elements which have a physical description or dimension. For the same reason, wind cannot dry it or exert any force on it. Thus the aatman is beyond the influence of all the three primary forces (fire, water and wind) which can affect entities having physical form and description.

अच्छेद्योऽयमदाह्योऽयमक्लेद्योऽशोष्य ऐव च।
नित्यः सर्वगतः स्थाणुरचलोऽयं सनातनः।।

Shaloka 24, chapter 2 Explanation: 
The aatman cannot be cut, burnt, suffer any decay or be dried out. The five forces of nature which are capable of destroying physical elements by their combined actions have no influence on the aatman. That is why it is referred to as nitya or permanent or unchangeable. This permanence gives it the powers of omnipresence, omniscience and stability. It is this stability that gives it the quality of immovability and the aatman is called sanatana (hinduism is also referred to as sanatana dharma). Sanatana literally means - that which is not created or destroyed - it belongs to time immemorial.
तस्मादेवं विदित्वैनं नानुशोचितुमहर्सि।।

Shaloka 25, chapter 2 Explanation: 
The aatman cannot be known or understood by purely using the brain and its mental powers. Hence it is known as ‘avyakta’ or indescribable - that which defies description. It cannot be known purely by meditating or thinking upon it (’chintan’) - hence it is known as ‘achintya’. Only those entities that can be perceived by our five senses can be understood by ‘chintan’.
जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च।
तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमहर्सि।।

Shaloka 27, chapter 2 Explanation: 
For one who has taken birth, death is certain and for one who has died, birth is certain. Therefore in an inevitable situation understanding should prevail.
Conclusion : 
In this last verse the cycle of life is clearly revealed. From birth comes death and from death comes birth. Just like in the spring new buds grow which blossom into flowers and leaves in summer and in autumn change to red, yellow and orange in fall and blow away and become dormant in winter to begin the process all over again in the following year. In the a similar way the soul enters new bodies for its seasons of infancy, youth, maturity and old age and at the end of its cycle of life is born again accepting a new body for another season. This is an inevitable process in the material existence and is the automatic process that governs the birth and death. All beings existing in the material manifestation completely follow this reality.
This clearly shows what remains with the soul is Karama and the Memory connected in any birth whether soul take birth or dies in the cycle of material plane that again proves Soul is immortal and every actions always remain with it and its mystery can be  reveal with the help of reincarnation and rebirth process and it is the main essence of the past birth birth. 

Lord Shiri Krishna preaching to Arjuna on Chapter 2 | Samkhya Yoga | Verse 22 
Spirituality and Karama Theory

Although there are none other such way to understand the past birth karama process and what soul have gone through in last birth and what it will bring to new birth. God way and process of management and operations are way beyond our imagination to understand how life and souls cycle are moving around Birth and death cycle. We are biologically a very small electrically charged energies residing in a physical bodies having limitation upto material world, our reach and understanding life cycle in a simple plane language is not an easy task. Unless and until we are able to develop our Kundalni Shakti’s via deep Spiritual penance unless we cant understand how souls deeper roots karmic accounts are connected with life and death cycle. 

Neither we are Yogic Person nor we are born as a Godly soul having extraordinary sensory abilities to experience futuristic visions or dream and able to understand for what purpose we took birth but yes there are certain methods via we can understand how past birth is connected with our past Karmas.

One of the Common method is Past life regression therapy and other is having Extraordinary astrological knowledge on studying Past Birth Astrological cases via various Astrological charts but astrologer must be well experienced in collecting and analysing different life experiences with natal charts. 

In this Article, I have tried my best to explain past Birth and incarnation process and how a soul is connected with previous and current Karmas via my little knowledge and understanding on Certain Astrological principals mentioned in Jamini and Nadi Sutras.Still, there are many loopholes and un-explainable facts for me to explain all in simple language, but yes a Saint and the Yogic person can better explain and understand it deeply via his spiritual and Yogic shaktis.

Spirituality can better deliver in clear-cut language with better and profound approach to explain the process of the Karama and rebirth.

When a soul take a rebirth into new body it forgets everything only the attributes still remain connected with soul i,e past memories, activities, talents, skills, learning, sufferings and happening with the body gone through and most important part fact is soul always remember the last moment when soul leaves its physical body and how soul feel when is in last moment of death and going for next journey.

The ancient Indian sage Patanjali Maharshi has done extensive research work on Past-Life-Regression theories

In his yoga sutras Patanjali Maharishi called this process of past-life-regression as 'Prati-Prasav'. It is the process of reabsorbing back to the cause. This means bringing effect back to the cause or the process of involution. When a child is born it is Prasav. Prati-Prasav means you are born again in the memory; you go back to the very birth, the trauma when you were born, and you live it again. 

As explained by Avdhoot Baba Shivanand ji 

" Prati means “again” and Prasav means “birth” meaning “re-birth” which is a very ancient practice focusing on accessing the deep hidden negative memories of the past this and previous lifetimes. These memories remain hidden deep in the subconscious mind though ‘forgotten’ by the conscious mind that are the root causes of our negative reactions, habits, and actions that cause more karmic, thus falling into the endless loop of cause and effect. 

In Prati Prasav sadhna all these deep-rooted emotions and psychic impressions are accessed and surfaced to be released and healed. Our present is nothing but the reflection of what we did in the past. 
The purpose of our birth is to resolve the issues that remained unresolved from our past lives. The circumstances and the problems one is facing is due to the stored baggage of psychic impressions that one has collected in various lives with every action, word and thought. The psychic impressions are not just from past lives but also received and absorbed even in the infant and fetus stage in the mother’s womb. Obstacles in life indicate unresolved issues and more the obstacles and issues in life, the more are the unresolved issues, which need to be resolved so that one does not get stuck in similar circumstances again and again repeatedly, birth after birth. 

This unresolved issue is what is called as samskars or sanchit karmas or psychic impressions and only can be accessed If there is something, some trouble, some problem are connected with past and we go back to the original source from where it started." Because we can go on trying to solve the problem, but unless we go to the roots it cannot be solved. Effects cannot be solved unless they are forced back to the cause. For example, if there is an unwanted weed and we go on cutting the branches and the leaves in an attempt to remove the weed, we find that more and more branches and leaves take the place of the ones we cut off. To remove the weed once and for all, we have to actually remove the weed from the roots.

Only way to understand is to take your memory to those last moments actually when a soul leave its body and you can take it further down to many births a soul took.All those memories always remain refreshes and stay connected with the soul and conscious mind but not with the body and conscious mind.

For consolidating it into real facts we should have to test all this on real-life case studies. For doing this process we should have to cross verify it first with who have done with Past life Regression process and further verify its cause and effects in horoscope via evaluating their all whole 4 type of Karmas. with such process, we can better understand and relate it to with real-life pain and miseries of anybody happening in this birth because of past sins and misdeeds. Here I am going to explain how we can better understand past birth incarnation process via analysing a real-life case of Past Happenings found via both the techniques.

Most important factor is to understanding, Past life and what actually is a Regression process ??
Past life Regression

As explained already Prati-Prasav is a process where the soul goes back into sub-conscious mind again and again to reach its root point but its process involves many different processes. In Past life regression therapy we use hypnosis to recover memories of past lives or incarnations. 

Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience or in a psychotherapeutic setting. In ancient Indian literature, the Upanishads mention past-life regression, but the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali discuss the concept in greater detail. Written during the 2nd century BC, the Hindu scholar Patañjali discussed the idea of the soul becoming burdened with an accumulation of impressions as part of the karma from previous lives. 

Maharishi Patañjali called the process of past-life regression prati-prasav (literally "reverse birthing"), and saw it as addressing current problems through memories of past lives. Some types of yoga continue to use prati-prasav as a practice.

Past Life Regression is valuable and the only source for clearing/healing traumatic experiences in prior lifetimes, which otherwise holds us back from full actualisation in this life, and/or is causing distress. Additional benefits are activating creativity or a valuable talent that was actively expressed before but has remained latent or unrecognised in this life.

Benefits of Past Life Regression include the following:

1) Healing overt acts (the past-life self as the perpetrator rather than the victim).
2) Contacting creativity
3) Understand the causes of irrational fears and be able to release them
4) Experiencing a happy and successful lifetime brings a sense of peace and encourages to work through temporary difficult times
5) Accessing the guidance from your higher self
6) Healing and clearing of Trauma
7) Understanding relationships and repeated behavioral patterns
8) Helps you understand who you are and what is the purpose of your life
9) Getting rid of curses and vows taken in another lifetime
10) Helps you to restructure understanding of our current life in the light of experiences from previous lives
11) Helps to understand that death is not a threat and you would not be separated from loved ones forever but merely travel to another place
12) Helps you in the cases of addictions like Smoking, Alcoholism Strengthens the clarity of the spiritual nature of our existence Rewriting past-life contracts

What is Reincarnation??

Reincarnation is the doctrine that says that we evolve spiritually by living a number of lifetimes that is necessary for achieving perfection. The soul never dies and is immortal through our physical body dies. The soul has experienced many lifetimes. When we are born our soul brings with it all the knowledge, wisdom, and karma of previous lifetimes. The qualities that we express are a result of the long lineage of previous lifetimes. The memories of previous lifetimes are stored at the soul level and can’t be recalled at the conscious level. The easiest way to discover and experience a past life is to undergo a Past life regression session.

Understanding Past Birth Life Astrologically 

Beginning of Situation and Problems: Deep Rooted Past Karmic Results of Native as Explained Astrologically:

So, Here is the Real Life Case study of One of my known person who has gone through Past life regression therapy in his recent past because of sudden traumatic events happening in his life after marriage.

Now the question is why everything happened after Marriage life.

let's unlock the mystery of unknown journey of past birth and its root connection with the present birth karama and sufferings. If we look out at first look in the native chart, we won't be in such a dilemma how could native suffered such miseries and happening but actually, it happened with native. 

Lagana is having Venus and Mercury, clearly telling many Raja Yogas- Malavya, Bhadra Yoga, Adhi Yoga and Raja Laxmi Yoga and must be living a life of the king in this, well yes he did, he was having a standard of Life like a king.

In the beginning of his vocation course , native was a Merchant Navy Sailor and went through many countries and visited many places, met many people, seen tons of cultures and traditions, had been to many hotels and luxuries places and experienced many luxuries and lived his life like of king and enjoyed it fully but question is if he had that such yogas than why he went through all sufferings in later part of life, even exactly after the marriage.

Why level of the sufferings and burden of the soul was so intense, native was unable to manage or bear it till now.

let us start decoding it bit by bit as per the events and happenings native explained me.

Early Life :

Native was an average student in his studies but having an excellent sharp memory to resolve complex puzzles and technical scenarios in any Live Sailing with his presence of mind, that native explained me during the course of experience.

Life started taking his bend suddenly after the start of Mars Mahadasha in 2002, native left his studies in the middle of its completion and joined Merchant Navy and started his journey of oceans and Visited many countries for the professional pursuits.

Everything was going well after 2002 onward, but suddenly there was a major shift of change in his destiny and the right time of Prarbadha karma of past came in the picture, in native life, when native marriage ceremony got fixed in September 2008.

Soon after the Month problems starting cropped up in marriage and day to day issues and heated arguments started getting ignited like a fiery flame in his marriage life and even it had led to physical violence and abuses between the couples.

Before the Marriage instance, I was planning to leave my home town for new Delhi for joining my new office. Before leaving I had clearly warned native about upcoming marriage life events, be cautious in marriage as it can take a shape of a war ground Zone like Mahabharata between two families after October 2008 to December 2008 and may be situation can become worse soon.
Both the partners can separate before 2009 and never gone unite again in a family bound.May be after Feb 2009 native can join Ship again after leaving the Relationship in mid half and possibility would be so high that native might never come back again in home to go further for reunion in his marriage life.At that time, Native admired all of my guidance and suggestions and assured me about that, he will always try to follow all with the whole heart ; " what i had told to him and will try to avoid all such circumstances which can create mess in his future married life.
The Destiny Point: The Point when Prarbadha Karama Triggered:

But Destiny is destiny - Prarbadha Karama played its role in native life, with the advent of October month in the year 2008, a major clash between two couples triggered and issue spread-ed like a fierce snake and even it took shape of Physical violence and verbal abuses between couples.The whole family went in trauma because of the ongoing physical violence's and abuses were happening between the couples and it was like a daily routine for both of them, and there was a no hope seen in between them, might be when it could stop. There was no way to stop the clashes, both verbal as well as the physical one. There was a no single day went on when peace was established in the family.

Life after Marriage – Experience of Prarabhda Karma - The Reap Fruits:

Till December 2008, family life of both the couples suffered a lot and it was the day of February 2009 when situation between of them was like a hell and taken a serious shape.Frustrated from all the mess, native decided to leave the Spouse and will move further to join the Ship to end all the Sufferings in mid half”
Event Triggered:

Words came true, Native decided to leave his spouse in mid of his journey in February 2009 to join Ship because of all the frustrations and Sufferings triggered in his marriage life, soon after the ceremony. 

But the Time has Decided something else for native life, final destiny of both the couples yet to come. After leaving spouse in mid half, now it was the time and Suffering to the native family as well. 

With the help of his brother, Spouse decided to a file a court case against the whole family for dowry and physical violence case as a matter of taking revenge from Native family and his behaviour toward her from his Husband. Within few days Police took an action against the native family and they started harassing the family members day by day like a personal grudge they had for them, including my closest friend too, who was the younger brother of native and having no role in the relationship mess. If we see deeply what would we call it: What was his mistake ??, even he was not involved in the mess but still he faced all such misery and humiliation. Is this not the debit of Past Karamas or not of his past life actions. Think about it deeply.

In the Meantime Court case against family member started and issues picked up like a fiery spark, while the process of torturing native family by police department members increases its level day by day and left the whole family in a big trauma and shock. There was no way to understood the situation what actually it was happening to them.

All the family members were in a state of shock, and they had no clues or any choice of action left for them, Many a time my friend used to ask me why at sudden things started like a hell and they had no choices left for them or what would be the deepest reason to think further about it, why and how everything happening with them with their fault.

As the Family members were in torturing phase due to Spouse personal matter of revenge and unethical behaviour toward them, Police department further started doing their extra threatening work, just to create a situation or environment of fear among whole family members with the help of  extra push given by spouse elder brother who was also an on-duty senior police officer but posted in somewhere other location.

While Family members were busy in chasing the court case and police actions, native career life reached to point of no way, where Visa was about to cancel within few months, native need to renew it in any cost to work further om abroad. But what actually it is written hidden in his life no one can know about it, native felt like everything was stuck in middle and it was in a condition where he has no choice left to do anything with the help of members those are in authority, it was more closely looks like a situation of nothing in hand.

The New Phase of Life:

Finally with the beginning of first phase (Rahu PD) in Rahu Mahadasha approximately @ December 2009, native was forced to leave his Ship, as he was unsuccessful in renewing the visa and passport in time due to some financial and unknown reasons (Rahu in Bhadhak Sthan in 11th house) and decided further he should move back to India for some relief and help from his brother.

Again destiny played its role soon after the above incident, during whole year court hearings, the case took a very dangerous note, as the native was absent for whole year in all the court hearings. Court decided and declared him as Fugitive and whenever, wherever he will be seen or found in India, need to live in a sentence or need to appear in court for further clarification and penalties process.

Court decision again made native into the state of shock and in the deep dilemmas of his life where one has to think deeply and he was left with no clue in his hand, it was more like a state of zero and every corner were seen like dark side of the life where one has no further choice to think, what to do next ! and where to go ! and how to proceed in life in a better way further.

Native decided to stay on the other side of India, started living with his Cousin sister and many a time used to live with his friend. Native biggest concern was how to stabilise his financial as well as his career status, as he was trying hard for all sort of jobs he can do. 

Meanwhile Native decided to renew his Passport and Visa in India but again the dots of his destiny and Prarabdha played its role and he lost his Passport in a way, no one knows where he left all. It was another fail-over and moment of shock for him, This made leave him into the state of confusion for what to do next.

Native was trying hard to approach some of his friends for help, for getting any links or clues to get settle in India but friends behaviour was bit unusual and different toward him, and native felt like cheated from his inner core, by those whom once looks like very needy  to get jobs in Merchant Navy sector and native always forwarded his hands in their hard time and gave them as much as helping hands, like when you feel like " an angel appears suddenly in a situation of darkness to carry forward your hands to those magical hands, with glowing wings sparkling, protecting you from every evil eye. But here case was bit different, friends were more looks like a foe or can be said as, they were much acting like devils in Darkness, appears like wearing a devil advocate coat in a friendly face. They simply rejected and refused to help him like a double standard face of society usually do in a situation of need.

Meanwhile, When I came back to my hometown after some months native brother approached and contacted me further and explained his whole mystery, the story of traumas and shocks happening to their family members. After listening decided to give him some vedic remedies and asked native to follow all these remedies diligently toward lord shiva whole heartily. 

After following the remedies for months native whole aspect and perception of living life like a king moved into a path life of dire Spiritualism and major transformation took place in his life, failures and me-sires changed him a lot. native started Doing hard worshipping of Lord Shiva that brought a complete change in his subconscious mind and gifted him a filtered approach toward his life, money, family, wealth and relationships. That was the point of realisation in his life. 

The beginning of Accumulated Karamas - The Sanchit Karama ( Good deeds- The Fruits of Life):

Now, Here comes the picture of good Sanchit Karama, native somehow managed to make new passport and got a new Job in another country but in marketing and sales profile although not a choice of his work but he was happy to receive this new surprise in his life after many months and years of hard work.

In his Merchant Navy Job, Native was earning in Lakhs per month, here native started again his career path but from a scratch point and started earning in Thousands just to start his new life again with new hope.Meanwhile, Court case was also proceeding in India and brother was managing it somehow with well approach.

Many a time native asked me why everything is happening with him and what made it happened with his family, including his personal and career life. 

My answer from the beginning was same, there was no change in it, its all because of the Prarabdha Karama of the past life that one has to suffer either in this birth or may be in next birth.One has to exhaust his karama in any case

Beside this also suggested native to go through for process of Past life Regression therapy with expert masters somewhere with genuine approach. As suggested, Native went through a past life regression therapy process with expert master in New Delhi.

Now Things were more clearer to me after studying the past life regression therapy process of the native, it was more like a ray of home to resolve his case, as same like when we see a bright light coming out from the dark and dense clouds.

Results are really shocking for me and clearly very hard for me to believe and digest it. later when I tried to evaluate same with native horoscope, I was feeling quite amazing and surprised by the brilliancy of the astrological principals and results gave me assurity and authenticity of the sutras - How Nadi Jyotish and Jamini Sutras concepts are so precious and accurate, and how well they are explaining the whole process of Past Birth Karmas. Again, Shows, Our seers were never wrong in any of their theories and sutras for explaining its essence which I got it learned after analyzing the whole situation of the chart and now I am pretty sure about that fact how brilliantly will be Vedic Astrology at that time.

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