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The Ayurvedic/Herbal Plant Remedy for Saturn, treatment of Diseases those are born in Anuradha Moon Nakashtras or Ascendent (Saturn Cure):

Herbal Plant/Tree Remedy for Diseases in Anuradha Nakashtras (Saturn Cure):

"Indian Medaller " or " The Scared Bakula Tree "

Common Name : Bakula, Bolsari, Maulsarau, Mahilam( Tamil).

Sanskrit : Chirapushpa, Anangaka, Bakula, Chirapushpa, Dhanvi, Gudhpushpa, Kantha, Karuka, Kesha, Mukula, Padyamoda, Sharadika, Sindhugandha, Simhakeshaa, Sthirmukhgandha, Surabhi Tailanga, Varalahdha, Visharada

Commonly Found in : Asia, Australia, Pacific.

Botnaical Name : Mimusops elengi L

Family: Sapotaceae

Vernacular Name: San: Bakula, Madhugandha, Surabhi

Local Names in Languages :

Bengali :Bakul
English :Bakul tree, Spanish cherry, Bullet wood, Asian bullet wood, West India medlar
Gujarati :Barsoli
Hindi :Maulsari मौलसरी
Kannada : Pokkalathu, Ranjal
Konkani : Omval
Malayalam : Elengi, Elenji, Elangi, Ilanni,Bakulam, Mukura, Elanchi
Manipuri : Bokul Lei
Marathi : Bakuli
Others : Bulletwood, Indian Medlar, Bakula, Magizham, Elengi, Pagade Tree's,Maulsari,Spanish Cherry.
Tamil : Magizhamboo, Magizhamaram, Magizham, Magadam
Urdu : Kirakuli 

Habit: Large tree.

Habitat: Semi evergreen forests.

Status: Common.


Madhugandha (sweet fragrance) and Surabhi (pleasant) are due to its sweet-scented flowers.

For More Details :

Ancient Sacred Uses and History of Bakula:

This is one of Most celebrated sacred tree found in Hindu Scriptures and Puranas and even placed amongst the flowers of the Hindu Paradise.This tree is even mentioned several time in the Ramayana and considered as flowering tree found in the gandhamadana forest and it is one of common tree found in the Panchavati growing near the lake in full bloom around Pampa Lake. One of an attractive tree adorning the Ashoka Vatika.Many a time it is used for constructing of Bridge and one of main flowering tree blossom in Lord Rama garden. Even Lord Krishna too celebrated this flowering tree by wearing garland made of bakula flowers.It is one of the 7 Scared trees associated with the Gautam Buddha and also scared to the Jains as it as an Emblem or Naminatha, A trirthankar, he attained enlightenment under the shade of the Bakula Tree.

According to Brihat Samhita, one must plant this sacred tree near houses, Temples and the religious places. Kalidasa mentioned this tree as a symbol of love and Beauty as the scent of the flowers of the bakula resembles wines and the fragrance is linked to the breadth of the young women.Even it doesn’t lose its fragrance in the sun too.

Natives those are born in Anuradhana Nakashtra in moon sign of Scorpio or in Anuradha Ascendant and those having Saturn as Bhadhaka graha or for Capricorn Lagana Where this Nakashtra is also fall in Bhadhaka Sign too, should Plant this tree in their surroundings or near houses and they should donate this tree either in any temple or any religious place for curing para-Psychological diseases or troubled by this nakashtra.Even those are born in Anuradha Nakashtra, they should meditate under this tree daily to cure of Negative impact of this Nakashtra in their Mental and physical health.


Bakula is a lovely green small tree of the Indian subcontinent. With its small shiny, thick, narrow, pointed leaves, straight trunk and spreading branches, it is a prized ornamental specimen because it provides a dense shade and during the months from March to July fills the night air with the delicious heady aroma of its tiny cream colored flowers. Flowers are small, star-shaped, yellowish white in color, with a crown rising from the center. Oval leaves, wavy at margin, about 5-16 cm and 3-7 cm wide. In the morning the fragrant flowers which so graciously scented their surroundings with their deep, rich, fragrance during the evening hours, fall to the ground. People love to collect them as they retain their odor for many days after they fall. They are offered in temples and shrines throughout the country. 

Appears in Indian mythology as Vakula - said to put forth blossoms when sprinkled with nectar from the mouth of lovely women. Fruits are eaten fresh. 


Leaf is used in purificatory rituals of temples. It is a sacred plant. Ripe fruits and roasted seeds are edible. Corollas are made into garlands. β-sitosterol, α- spinasterol, quercitol, dihydroquercetin, lupeol, ursolic acid, teraxerone and hentriacontane are the active constituents

(Kapoor, 1990).

Large evergreen tree. Leaves simple, broadly ovate, glabrous. Flowers white, sweet-scented, in axillary clusters. Sepal 8, in 2 series, ovate, tomentose. Corolla 8-lobed; lobes divided to the base into 3 segments. Stamens 8, alternating with fimbriate staminodes. Fruit 1-seeded, ovoid berry, orange-red when ripe

Habit :

Large trees up to 35 m tall.

Trunk\bark :

Bark dark grey, longitudinally fissured, lenticellate; blaze pink.

Branchlets :

Latex white.

Exudates :

Branchlets terete, puberulous when young, later glabrous.

Leaves :

Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole 1-2.5 cm long, glabrous, terete and canaliculate towards apex; pubescent when young, later glabrous; lamina 7-14 x 2.5-7 cm, elliptic-oblong, apex shortly acuminate with blunt tip, base rounded or acute, margin sl

Flowers :

Flowers white, in axillary fascicles; pedicel up to 2 cm.

Fruit & seed :

Berry, ellipsoid, reddish-brown when ripe; seed one.


Anuradha Nakashtra rules over Bladder, Genitals, rectum, Nasal Bones, Bones near Genitals. Natives of this nakshatra are prone to Suppression of menses, constipation, sterility, piles, fracture of high bones, sore throat strictures, Anemia, unknown pain in bones, cough, acidity, cold, windy problem, gouts, arthritis and Skin problems.

Spiritual Solution and Rituals :

For Curing Such problems Spiritually native of Anuradha Nakashtra should do worshipping of Lord Krishna and Shiva with this Flowers daily and should do Meditation under this tree to get ride of sins and diseases after worshipping Lord Arunachaleshwara (Lord Shiva) in Annamalaiyar Temple, a Hindu temple dedicated to the deity Shiva, located at the base of Annamalai hills in the town of Thiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu, India. As this tree is very much scared to lord Shiva, as one of name of lord shiva is too bakula. Even it is said that women circumambulate the scared tree and tie a cradle to it they will be blessed with a male child. This nakashtra is associated with the Anuradha nakashtra and 2nd pada of Ashwini.

Ayurvedic Properties of Bakula:

Rasa (Taste) : Katu (Pungent), Kashaya (Astringent)

Guna (Qualities) :  Guru

Vipaka : Katu (Undergoes Pungent taste after digestion)

Veerya (Potency) : Sheeta

Karma (Actions) : Pitta-kapha shamaka ( It reduces vitiated Pitta and kapha dosha )

Madhura : sweet

Snigdha : unctuous, oily

Kashaya : astringent,

Vishada : clarity, non slimy

Hima : coolant

Hrudya : acts as cardiac tonic, congenial for heart

Dantya : good for teeth

Sangrahi : absorbent, useful in diarrhea, IBS

Vatala : increases Vata Dosha

Guru : heavy to digest

It is used in for conditions of :

Visha : Toxic conditions, poisoning
Shvitra : leucoderma, vitiligo
Krumi : worm infestation
Dantaroga : tooth decay

Medicinal Use:

Lotion prepared from the flowers is used to clear wounds and the ulcers and decoction of the bark helps in regenerating tissues at much greater rates and controls bleeding and cures excessive mucous secretion from the bladder and urethra.

Its Brak is a tonic to treat fevers and is used as mouthwash to protect gums and teeth. A paste of the roots mixed with vinegar is used for swelling on the Face, and a paste made with water is applied to pustular eruptions of the skin and regular chewing of the tender fruits strengthens the teeth.The seeds are used in the preparation of eye drops and antidotes and to treat bowel disorders and the oil extracted from the seed is applied to swelling of the joints, simply this tree is Ramban for Anuradha Nakashtra natives mental and physical diseases.

Bark decoction is used as gargle for toothache and over salivation. It is taken internally for fever. Seed ash is used to brush teeth which strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. Bark decoction is used for mouth ulcers, swellings, also to increase appetite and digestive power.

Flower and fruit decoction is used to wash chronic ulcers. Flower powder is snuffed for running nose. Paste of seed fried in ghee is applied over anus in case of constipation. Bark extract has the property to increase fertility. Fruit pulp is applied for snake bite and headache. Ripe fruits are eaten for easy delivery. Bark decoction is given internally for menstrual disorders and rheumatism. It is also used for venereal diseases. Seed paste is applied for toothache. Twigs are used as toothbrush to prevent tooth decay. Bark and leaf paste is applied for skin diseases and leprosy.

Crushed fruit is applied for toothache. Crushed bark decoction is used as gargle for wounds in gum, loose teeth, gum swelling and bleeding. 6 drops of dried flower powder dissolved in water is poured into nose for repeated headache and running nose. Fruit extract is used for migraine, headache, running nose and mental debility. Bark decoction is used for biliousness, phlegm, dysentery, blood discharge in urine and menstrual problems. Oil extracted from flowers is applied for mental disorders.

Bark decoction is recommended for rheumatism and fever. Leaf paste is applied for furuncles and scabies. Seed oil is applied for eye diseases and taken internally to expel worms.

Common Diseases Treatment : 

Bakul or Maulsari tree is a Very useful sacred Herb uses in Herbology and ayurvedic treatments  of various common diseases. almost every part of its  including, leaves, fruit, bark and flowers are used whereas The flowers, bark and fruits are highly recommended for common use.

Beneficial uses  of bakula :

1.Bark is used as tonic to reduce fever.

2.Leaves are mostly used as an antidote for snake-bite.

3.Pulp of the fruit is used in curing chronic dysentery.

4.Dried flowers powder is used  as brain tonic.

5.Seeds of tree are agent for purging the bowels. 

6.Powdered bark is used for curing Tingling sensation of teeth by Massaging  it in gums.

7.Decoction of bark is used for mouthwash Toothache, Tooth Decay, Gum Bleeding, Bad breath, Pyorrhea, Inflammation in mouth.

8.Bark powder can be used in Toothache.

9.Tender twigs are used for Teeth cleaning and strengthening gums.

10.Unripe fruits are used as masticatory for tightening Loose teeth.

11.Fruit pulp is used for Improving fertility in women.

12.Ripe fruit can be used promoting delivery.

13.Leaf juice if taken twice daily with honey can help weak Eyesight.

14.Fruit pulp can be used for Chronic diarrhea.

15.The dried flower powder is used for headache.

With thanks and Regards,

Rakesh Singh Jamwal

Source and Reference:

Living Easy With Ayurveda by Dr.B.K.Prashanth M.D (Ayu), Ph.D

Sacred Plants of India by By Nanditha Krishna


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