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How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

How to see Extra-Marital Relationships from Natal and Navamsa chart

In Todays, so called modern world, as an effect of Kaliyuga love and love marriages are rapidly growing. It is not the effect of kaliy...
Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Indu Lagna: the moon lagana of Wealth and Abundance

Indu Lagna is one of the special ascendants in Vedic astrology. Yes, in Vedic astrology we only not have one risin...
Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

Char Dasha part-5 (final) with Shool Dasha and case study of Nelson Mandela.

In other 4 parts of this series of articles we have seen use of char dasha as given by sage Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Hora Shas...

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Astronomical Transits

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