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Understanding Saturn Part 1-  Sadesati and Therapeutic, Puranic story behind the lord of karma

Understanding Saturn Part 1- Sadesati and Therapeutic, Puranic story behind the lord of karma

What are Karamas ? According to Hinduism God is fair and humans have a free will to choose good or bad, if he choose go...
Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in taurus sign ? - Historic insight of saturn transit in Rohini Nakashtra based on Padma puran.

Why Saturn Never enters into Rohini Star 4th Pada while transiting in taurus sign ? - Historic insight of saturn transit in Rohini Nakashtra based on Padma puran.

In Brihat Samhita of Varahmihira author explained many of exponential principals while predicting natural catastrophes symp...
Secrets of Saturn transit :  A moral story, Saturn transit in Zodiac of Jupiter - Lessons of Life and time - Transit of Saturn in Guru Zodiac for 2.5 hours.

Secrets of Saturn transit : A moral story, Saturn transit in Zodiac of Jupiter - Lessons of Life and time - Transit of Saturn in Guru Zodiac for 2.5 hours.

Saturn transit in Zodiac of Jupiter - Lessons of Life and time - Transit of Saturn in Guru Zodiac for 2.5 hours. After King Vikr...

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