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Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

Secrets of Vimshottari Dasha- How to trace Major and Minute Life events in Vimsotri Dasha Period

Tips for Tracing Major and Minor life events from Vimsotri Dasha : Vimsottari Dasha is most known and common dasha system calculate...
Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

Career Astrology: Finding true life goals and career path in society from 10th from Sun, Moon and Lagana.

Om Gurave Namaha Finding true life goals never be an easy task for any being to identify it from any chart, as ...
Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

Alignment of Saturn and Jupiter with Nodes - Probability of era of civil war and social revolution after (April 2019-2020)

The probability of Era of Civil War and social revolution after (April 2019-2020) - There will be New world order after the year 2020....
Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions - The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

Career and Karama Astrology: The Beauty of Karama and actions - The 10th house : Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career rather it is more about Karma in society..

The Beauty of Karama - The 10th house - Mostly misinterpreted as the house of career. 10th house is the the place which decides what K...

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