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Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

Astrological case study of Horary Chart of Marriage analysis of one of friend

Just few hours ago I have got a message from my client and friend, (whose name or details I will not disclose) that he is afraid of respons...
Spiritual Astrological Session & Workshopp from 22nd April to 29th of April : Karma and Rebirth Questionnaire series based on saturn placement: Ask me Question and Know Your mission of Life

Spiritual Astrological Session & Workshopp from 22nd April to 29th of April : Karma and Rebirth Questionnaire series based on saturn placement: Ask me Question and Know Your mission of Life

Spiritual Astrological Session from 22nd April to 29th of April : Karma and Rebirth Questionnaire series : Your mission of Life ! S...
Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

Astrological Case study of Oprah Winfrey via Char dasha

In last articles of char dasha, I have used char dasha as taught by K.N.Rao in first article in the series, Char dasha of Irangnati Rangach...
 Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes  based on school of Vedanta  - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

Reasons for Increase in Natural Catastrophes or sudden climatic changes based on school of Vedanta - How Prakarti or Nature is changing and working silently in Mundane World to establish balance in Tri Gunas

Unseen world is composed of 90 % Prakarti 3 forms of energies; Satva energy (Energy in Rest, Praana Energy or Sookshma Energy, caus...
Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy  Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

Astrological Case Study of John F. Kennedy Political success and death mystery via Chara Dasha

In last article on char dasha series we have seen how char dasha of Irangnati Rangacharya Ji work fantastically on horoscopes, now as ...

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Astronomical Transits

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