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Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Mars and Saturn Transits in 2016: Are you seriously working in your company: feel the challenges of transit of Retro Mars, Saturn and Nodes from month of April to august 2016

Till Kendras are afflicted by Nodes, Mars and Saturn there will be complete instability in Banking, Finance, Share market, Treasury ...
Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha :  Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha : Impact of Retrograde Saturn on ascendant, its a Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side.

Retrogression of Saturn in Scorpio in Jyestha - Time to evaluate your true goals hidden beneath in subconscious side. Saturn is curre...
Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

Yogas in Natal Chart: How we can check results of strength, debilitation, exaltation and fruitfication of Raaj yogas and neech Bhanga yoga in Natal & D9 chart

Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - How our karmic energy effects our time thread and why planetary motional effects are directly involve in our Karmic actions

Quantum mechanics in Jyotish - How our karmic energy effects our time thread and why planetary motional effects are directly involve in our Karmic actions

How our karmic energy effects our time thread and planetary motions Karma is widely considered as continuous process, always in moti...
23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

23rd March 2016 Lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni Nakashtra and visible in Most of Asia, Australia, North America and South America

According to Vedic principals, 23rd march minor lunar eclipse will fall in uttraphalguni nakshatra in Virgo sign when the sun will be in ...
Mundane Astro-Meteorological analysis of Rainfalls: How we can Calculate and cast Rainfall and pregnancy of clouds  for upcoming Monsoons clue based on principals of early Ancients Ages.

Mundane Astro-Meteorological analysis of Rainfalls: How we can Calculate and cast Rainfall and pregnancy of clouds for upcoming Monsoons clue based on principals of early Ancients Ages.

How Rain Calculated and casted in Ancients Ages for Monsoons. As per the early Ancient observations the four days commencing from ...
Science of Vedas: How Physics Law of Infinity originated from Isha Upanishad (IshaVasya Upanishad) part of the (Shukla) Yajurveda

Science of Vedas: How Physics Law of Infinity originated from Isha Upanishad (IshaVasya Upanishad) part of the (Shukla) Yajurveda

Here Come Origin of Physics Law of Infinity from Isha Upanishad (IshaVasya Upanishad) part of the (Shukla) Yajurveda : ॐ पूर...
Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla  in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

Law of universal energies: How Law of universal energies works with spiritual plane in universe based on law of Nicola tesla in terms of Frequencies, vibrations and energies

This Short article is for those who use science as an authenticating tool for validating non physical or Metaphysical phenomena of ...
Moral ethics of Astrologer: Who is true Jyotish ? Qualities, Moral ethics and Spiritual nature of astrologer, Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.

Moral ethics of Astrologer: Who is true Jyotish ? Qualities, Moral ethics and Spiritual nature of astrologer, Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini and Rest of other Jyotish systems 15 years back.

Who is true Jyotish ? Long pending query keep enquiring my state of mind and an observation since i have started my journey in Jamini...
Science of Vedas and Mundane Astrological Principals: Understanding Mechanism of Clouds formations, thundering and Electrostatic charge production based on the Principals of Vedas and Vedic Metrology science

Science of Vedas and Mundane Astrological Principals: Understanding Mechanism of Clouds formations, thundering and Electrostatic charge production based on the Principals of Vedas and Vedic Metrology science

When you are studying hyper sensitive Phenomena's of Nature and its impacts on earth environment wrt to Mundane Astrological pri...
Career in Astrology: how to indentify your career in vedic astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession

Career in Astrology: how to indentify your career in vedic astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession

Case Study: How to find or determine Career in Astrology, Profession type, work profile and choice of ideal Profession by use of Varn...

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Astronomical Transits

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