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Poets, Musicians and Venus :  How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists  in Natal chart

Poets, Musicians and Venus : How Artists Born-The wonder Maker of Artists in Natal chart

This was an article published in the JAN 2006 issue of the Astrological Magazine. I thank Mrs. Gayatridevi Vasudev, the th...
Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

Power of Transits in Vimsotri Dasha : How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords

How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords Dr. K. Guru Rajesh This was an article published in the JANUARY 2015 issue ...

Vedic Science

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Astronomical Transits

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